A tale of unconditional friendship...
Making a difference. Helping others. Showing kindness.
I may growl a little, and be grumpy. I may appear opinionated at times. Some may label me arrogant, whilst I will see myself as assertive and professional. I am reserved, observant, aloof perhaps, but I care to help others.
This photo is today’s memory of reminding myself the importance of kindness. There are no guarantees in life, but we can choose to make others lives just a little easier.
I won’t forget the elderly gentleman, or the elderly lady. Neither will I forget the young man and his auntie. It was a measured risk, and one that worked. To see their relieved faces was enough. To receive their thanks warming. Humanity can be beautiful.
As my good friend @seagerworld reminded me, ‘it was the Tim of old, prior to the life changing event of five years ago’ ……. Being fearless
This is a reminder for me. A reminder that the old me can come through again, with the new me, and all I have learnt on my most recent road.
One has to do things for oneself, but it sure helps when others are around to support and guide, and not judge.
Unconditional friendship
Be the best you can be towards others.
@devoncoasttherapy @seanic_scenes